Spice Jazz Soho Presents: Yetii Ft. Jake McMurchie

Price (At The Venue)
75 Minutes
  • Show Description
  • After 25 years of solid jazz promoting in the basement bar at The Spice of Life Soho, nurturing upcoming talents as well as established masters of the music, the SpiceJazz Team (Tara Minton, Clement Regert and Paul Pace) are excited to relocate their acclaimed operation to the well-appointed and stylish music room of Crazy Coqs.


    Yetii‘ is a Bristol based acoustic jazz trio. The group creates a sound world of complex yet consonant harmony supporting simple, singable melodies. Solos morph into intense group improvisations that focus on interlocking, minimalist fragments: a shared single voice that ebbs and flows between and within the band’s original compositions.

    Line Up:
    ALEX VEITCH: Piano
    ASHLEY JOHN LONG: Double Bass
    Special Guest: JAKE McMURCHIE: Tenor Saxophone

    Whilst most of the audience wouldn’t have previously identified as jazz fans what they do pick up on is the spirit of interplay at work between the musicians in front of them. Throwaway washy quintuplet outros, B sections like a Disney movie chorus: this is serious jazz craft in an accessible guise facilitated by detailed compositions that give space for the musicians to be spontaneous and change direction.


    “all played with great beauty and sensitivity… A standing ovation greeted the end of their set” — Jazzwise (live review)

    “a performance that both enthralled and delighted the audience” — ★★★★★ The Jazz Mann (live review)

    “a trio of fluent and wildly inventive improvisers” — London Jazz News

    “the crisp recording beautifully separates the richly sonorous bass and scintillating drums from Veitch’s carefully crafted melodic lines”— Jazz Views

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