Catherine Lima: THE BEAT GOES ON

Price (At The Venue)
  • Show description
  • Bacharach/bossa nova/the Beatles – whether you were a hippy or a hip follower of fashion, after the drab post-war years, the 60’s exploded with a psychedelic riot of colour. It was an era full of hopefulness and change in so many ways, not least in social norms and, of course, in music. The Beat Goes On embraces some of the different genres of music in pop and jazz that made the 60’s so memorable.

    So, turn on, tune in, and drop out of the madness of today’s world and enjoy a little bit of 60’s nostalgia.


    “Catherine held the audience’s attention and kept us entertained – an instinctive understanding of how to build rapport and communication in the Crazy Coqs room” – London Jazz News

    “.. an appealing stage manner, she finds the mood of a song, looks into a character – a very fine piece of work” – London Jazz News

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