Lorna Want: All I ‘Want’ for Christmas

Price (At The Venue)
80 Minutes
  • Show Description
  • Olivier Award Winner Lorna Want returns to the Crazy Coqs for an evening of Christmas classics, Musical theatre hits, and more. She will be joined once again by Chris Hatt on Piano, and James Turner on Percussion. In the intimate atmosphere of Crazy Coqs, with Want’s rich and warm vocals, and an array of music through the ages, it is sure to be the perfect start to the festive season…


    “Want’s voice glides through the songs, many and varied as they are, seemingly effortlessly” – Chis Omaweng for LondonTheatre1.com

    “Putting your talent right upfront in an intimate venue like Crazy Coqs, before an almost pin dropping audience is anything but easy. Plenty of credit then goes to Lorna Want, displaying just how versatile a performer she is. You don’t win Olivier Awards for nothing” – Derek Smith for musicaltheatrereview.com


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