Spice Jazz Soho Presents: Royal Academy of Music Jazz Orchestra & Ensemble ‘Celebrating Blue Note Records 85th Anniversary: the music of Bobby Hutcherson & Duke Pearson with Orphy Robinson & Winston Rollins’

EFG London Jazz Festival

Price (At The Venue)
90 Minutes + Interval
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  • After 25 years of solid jazz promoting, as founded by Paul Pace, at the Spice of Life Soho, nurturing upcoming talents as well as established masters of the music, the SpiceJazz Team (Tara Minton and Clement Regert) are excited to relocate their acclaimed operation to the well-appointed and stylish music room of Crazy Coqs.


    The acclaimed Academy Jazz Department is proud to collaborate once again with Spice Jazz Soho and the EFG London Jazz Festival to celebrate 85 years of the iconic Blue Note Records.

    Focussing on two of the frequently unsung jazz giants on the label, the Jazz Orchestra presents the big band sounds of Duke Pearson, led by the leading trombonist and bandleader Winston Rollins and the legendary percussionist and vibes player Orphy Robinson, one of the few UK artists to be on the label himself, will lead the Jazz Ensemble in his tribute to the great Bobby Hutcherson.

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